
Course Information

Internet Technology (MDTC 2111)

Term: 2020-2021 Certificate Seeker


Callan R Salmon
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Minette Morris
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Include basic Internet technologies, web authoring, and networking. Students learn how to use key Internet technologies, such as email, newsgroups, FTP, Telnet, and search engines. Students will gain experience configuring browsers to access rich multimedia. Students will use a variety of Web-based search engines to conduct advanced searches and learn the basics of electronic commerce and security issues. Students will gain experience developing Web pages in a text editor and a GUI interface. Students will also learn how to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and study the basics of XHTML, JavaScript, DHTML, and DOM. Finally, students learn about network architecture and standards, networking protocols, TCP/IP, Internet servers, server side scripting, database connectivity, and network security. Prepares student for Internet exams such as the I-Net+ or Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) Foundation exam.
? Understand internetworking fundamentals such as browsing the World W