Everyone needs a little help now and then and we're happy to provide it. Before you contact us, we ask that you please read through the Frequently Asked Questions section below, as your question might be answered there. 
If these guides do not address your issue, send us an e-mail. We're usually able to get back to you within one business day.
Student Services: studentservices@btech.edu
How do I get a my.btech login?
Your login is created when you complete an application on the Admissions tab. Upon completion of the application process, an email will be sent containing your login User Name and Password.
I forgot my Password or User Name
You must know your User Name to request a Password reset. If you are not sure what this is, ask your advisor or a Student Services representative at studentservices@btech.edu or (435) 753-6780 (with correct verification). Password reset: click 'I forgot my password' at the top of the screen. Click send new password and an email will be sent with a new one.
I was logged out automatically. Why?
To protect unauthorized access, a time limit is set on each login session. After a period of inactivity, you will automatically be signed out. It may be a little inconvenient, but the security of your information is very important!
Why did I get a Document Expired error?
The portal will not allow the back button to be pressed in your browser. If you accidentally press the back button, you can quickly correct it by clicking in the URL box and press enter on your keyboard. To navigate correctly, use the links or 'crumbs' at the top of your current window.